(Picture credit: this is from my copy of the book on Scribd)
Opinions differ on this one. Is it an after school special? Is it pushing the envelope? Is it Breakfast Club or Cruel Intentions? No! Heretics Anonymous is one of its own.
Overall, I found Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry to be an enjoyable read. My favorite character would have to be Lucy because I just adored her message. She had me at arguing with the teacher. She had me at pointing out the female rebels of the bible. I found Michael to be relatable. I too moved around a lot as a kid. I also enjoyed Avi, Eden, and Max though Theresa was a righteous antagonist. Could some argue the cousin was only brought in for the pot scene? Perhaps, but overall, I loved the characters in the book and the way the story tugged my heartstrings. It was all wrapped up in a pretty bow at the end and that was just what I was in the mood for.
Question: Have you read this one for book club? Where did you find the best discussion questions?
Update: I'm almost finished with Girl Gone Viral by Arvin Ahmadi. I will discuss once complete. Open to suggestions for next reads but looking for YA Sci-Fi in particular.